Thursday, February 15, 2007

Hecatomb In The Hospital

Well, I decided to start a new post since the previous one got so long. I just got an email from a friend with an update on her poor mother's condition. The first email update I got about 2 weeks ago describing the surgery she was about to undergo was enough to give anyone nightmares. It described how she was going to have her esophagus removed and her stomach re-attached ''in her throat". I've since erased that email, but the current update report goes something like this: The surgery went well, and took 6 hours. The Dr.s are pleased. They had to cut out a bunch of scar tissue that was growing on her lungs and aorta from all the chemo and radiation treatments. Oh, and there is a clump of ''Yuk" stuck in her throat/windpipe and lungs that they are trying to get out, and THIS is making her mother quite nervous......and she adds that her mother has become a "little depressed".....
I'll stop now, but are we talking about a "health care" proceedure here, performed by men and women who claim to be experts on the human body, or a Carnage101 class for the new butchers at the local slaughterhouse? Don't misunderstand me, I feel sorry for Paula and her mother and my heart goes out to her family, but it is really astonishing that people are so BRAINWASHED that they agree to allow themselves to be butchered by these people just because they claim to be an expert on the human body. Well, I'd think any expert should know that the stomach won't function properly if it is relocated to the neck. Even I know that, and I didn't go to college.
Jordan once said one of the people she most admires is Hitler. Not for all the horrors he was responsible for, but that he was able to gain complete control over SO many people. It is fascinating to her that one man could accomplish this on such a huge scale. And it is, from a psychological point of view. Now days, medical Dr.s have done just that. First, people were convinced that going to school/college makes you intelligent, and the longer you go the smarter you are. There they are taught that in order to learn anything you have to be taught by someone else who is an EXPERT or a TEACHER, and to wait for one of them to tell you what to do and when, and then they will tell you whether it is acceptable or not.
This idea was elaborated on in the book I read several years ago called "Punished By Rewards", by Alfie Kohn. It gave examples of studies that were done where average citizens were invited to participate in experiments at a place that appeared to be a medical office or educational facility. One of the experiments had the volunteer sit at an official looking control panel with dials and guages and buttons. They were told that the device was hooked up to a person in another room, whom they could see through a glass window. They were told that the machine would emit electrical volts and currents to the individual on the other end. They were then told that no matter what the connected person said or how loud they screamed that the currents weren't hurting them and to continue to raise the level at certain intervals when instructed to. The researchers found that many of the volunteers were willing to keep raising the volts, even when the recipient screamed and yelled and begged them to stop (they were also volunteers, just acting the part). The voltage administers were even more willing to turn up the power if the instructor was wearing a 'white coat' and appeared to be a DR, or was called DR. so and so.
Common sense seems to go out the window when a Dr. is present.
This brings me to the next topic about the studies of the Right Brain/Left Brain theories, which I will put in a new post!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Again: so true and sad. Waiting for more rants and philosophical meanderings.