Monday, February 12, 2007

Rant On A Brainwashed Society or Education, Diplomas and Dummies

Recently at work it was really slow and I took the opportunity to jot down some thoughts in my Little Book between customers. I don't know why someone writing in a Little Book seems to un-nerve others. Maybe it is because they assume you normally have nothing going on in your mind when you are just doing your job or having conversations with people. If you are writing, however, it means you have some thoughts going on that are so important you have to write them down, and is proof that you are thinking about things that nobody else knows. They fear it is about them since they happen to be standing in front of you, or they are discomfited because they can't imagine what you could possibly be writing about, because they could never think of anything to write about themselves.
Anyway, I was writing out some of my analyses between Traditional Medicine and Chinese Medicine/Naturopathy/Bio-Feedback treatments. More on that later. While I was writing, a co-worker, whom I'll just describe as a typical redneck, was waiting for management approval to leave in a delivery truck. He noticed me writing and asked me what I was writing. I said I was just writing some thoughts about Traditional Medicine vs. Naturopathy. He didn't know what Naturopathy even was, so I told him and he said "Oh, well that's way beyond anything I'd know about! Are you a college graduate?" It doesn't seem to take much to make someone wonder if you have been to college, which is the whole point of this dissertation.
If you say one thing about something that they have never heard of or thought much about, they think you have had a much higher education that the average person. What's worse, is people just assume that anyone who has 'been to college' is unquestionably highly educated, and smarter than everyone else.
Forget college, and just take the average High School student, or graduate. Jordan recently said that so many people who are considered well educated, or are famous and actually worshiped in the Media such as Donald Trump, Simon Cowel or Tom Cruise, never graduated from High School. They dropped out in order to get on with their own interests and lives. She also pointed out the many more examples of those who do have a High School Diploma and are over the top stupid. Like the High School students featured on the reality show Laguna Beach. She said those are some of the dumbest girls she's ever seen. And they are the rich brats who's parents are supposedly intelligent enough to have gotten rich somehow.
Ok, back to college. Preston and I were both really fascinated with the story of
Herb Baumeister, the SavALot thrift store owner in the Noblesville area back in the 90's. He and his wife, Julie, and their 3 kids lived in a million dollar home near Westfield. The bones of at least 11 men were eventually discovered scattered around out in the woods behind their home. He was a closet homosexual who murdered some men he had picked up at a gay bar in downtown Indy. It is also believed that he had been the murderer of several other gay men who's bodies were found along I70 between Indianapolis and Ohio over the years. He ended up committing suicide when he was found out, and never admitted to any of the murders. Well, he and Julie met while in COLLEGE together. On the A&E documentary about the whole story, (which Preston has watched at least twice...) Julie was interviewed throughout the whole episode. She said she had no idea he was gay, nor had there been any weird signs that may have suggested he had some bizarre quirks about him. But in one interview, she admitted that they had only had sex 6 times in the whole 25 years they were married. Maybe it's just me, but I think I would have been at least a little mystified, if not bewildered, about this in itself. Another completely ordinary event was the discovery by one of the young sons of a whole human skeleton, tossed in the woods behind the home. Julie claimed to have anxiously awaited Herb's arrival home to question him about it. When he arrived, he told her it was just an old fake skeleton that had been in one of his father's medical offices, and he just stuck it out there to get rid of it after he cleaned the garage. She heaved a sigh of relief over this explanation and promptly forgot about it. College people just don't think on the same level as us normal folk, ya know? Me, in my un-colleged ignorance, would have probably panicked and suspected him of being a gay murderer or something.
This topic came up because Preston and I went to Riley Children's Hospital on Friday night to take phone calls for donations during the annual WFMS Radiothon. Preston, unbeknownst to me, thought he recognized one of the other volunteers. So he kept staring at her all night, trying to place her. She noticed him staring and kept looking at him all night to see if he was still staring at her. So this made him think she knew him too, and he was waiting for her to approach him and tell him who she was. At one point, he almost went over to her and said "HI", thinking she would remind him where he knew her from. I'm glad he didn't, because at the end of the night when we were putting on our coats, it hit him all of a sudden who it was: Julie Baumeister!

((The co-worker mentioned at the beginning ended up getting fired for losing his temper and trying to strangle a fellow delivery driver, right under the surveillance camera))

1 comment:

Laura said...

True, True, Monica. Lots o' laughs, too!